36 agents, 986 keys, 138 fields
Friday March 8, 24h CP: 13M MU
Saturday March 9, 10h CP: 1M MU
Total thrown MU: 77M MU
Largest field: 571064 MU
8 black illuminator badges
photo album
In January I was asked if I wanted to do a field for Blue Cities edition #4. Well, naturally! Helping to cover different cities all over Europe is a fun plan to be part of and Amsterdam cannot be left out of the picture.
Looking for corridors around Amsterdam I found the lines between Marken, Zandvoort and Woerden. The main drawback was the cross through the top of Haarlem's favorite farm: Kenau Park. Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I managed to find some nice rows which would make 29 layers of an estimated 580K MU per layer whilst still having relatively narrow corridors. Time to farm some keys...
We decided we would be flip fielding as well, so we farmed some extra keys. Of course, more keys is always better, so we ended up with nearly 1000 keys. Nice work agents!
Recruiting agents went swiftly. A couple of new names joined the ranks, who didn't have their black illuminator badge yet, so this it all started to come together nicely. Also I managed to find a great team of operators willing to lead the ops through the darkness and into the light. Thanks!
On the day itself the weather was abominable. Sorry Schoentoon, this time you were right to complain. But as we all know, this was an exception. Ops organised by Fortifer are usually accompanied by sunshine, cozy temperatures and a mild breeze to blow away the light sheen of sweat accumulating on the agents' brows. This time a gale force wind and torrential rains hammered down on us. Also cats. Also dogs.
After laying the fields on CP (and a couple not on CP) we started flipfielding from Woerden and the black illuminator-badges-counter started to tick. An ENL showed up but soon disappeared again without doing much. Then an ENL agent, whose main interest seems to be brewing, arrived in Woerden and started shooting down any blue portal with fields he could spot. Luckily for us this agent apparently does not understand the concept of flip fielding very well. He helped us either by shooting down the portals or even flipping them for us, saving us quite some Jarvis viruses. Thanks agent, you know who you are, tiger!
After a while everybody was cold and wet, and it was time for bed so we decided to head on home, but not after giving a last agent the 8th black illuminator of the day from Zandvoort. However, there were still several keys burning in people's inventories, crying out to be turned into fields with their tiny, coppery voices.
Several agents pledged to set their alarms to UNGODLY-EARLY mode and drive out for, what else, moar fields! This we did, and happily enough the corridors were still pretty much intact. Just before 10h we started making fields again and got 1M MU up before CP. Not a lot more was possible since a pesky little blocker popped up in Haarlem. Not at all surprising considering the portal density of the area we linked through there.
So in the end the ops was a success. Agents got badges and happiness (and wet) and new acquaintances were made. Thanks to all the agents and until the next ops! (Don't worry ENL, it won't be soon. Not like, next weekend or anything. No really, it won't.)
Agents: Zorglubxx, WPSFE2016, TimoVV, Thundarion, TheGrimSqueaker, Stultit1a, Shad0wdancer, Se4horse, Schoentoon, SAHillie, RealRouge, PurDee, Pendecker, pchtk, Mvmb1, MunchWillBeBlue, mmezereum, Madgick, klemmet, jeuris, j1pster, iffel, HendrikTovenaar, guitjes, Fortifer, Erik050572, ElAwrence, EdgeAgain, drsplinter, DimTRX, Clara82, carlobanchon, boxzilla, BlueFluas, antarant, AgentProvoctr