Monday, October 26, 2020

OPS Cataway 2


  • Wednesday October 21st 2020
  • 13 layers of around 400k MU (5.2M) over Amsterdam on CP 23h. 
  • 16 layers in total, about 6.4M MU
  • platinum illuminator badge for agent Elektrichian
  • rethrows by Knurpus at 2h (11 layers, 4.4M MU) and 15h (7 layers, 2.8M MU) yielding a double black illuminator badge
  • Lulz, and no cat

After the nice ops Cataway it was time to do it again: Cataway 2. Actually we didn't know if the cat was actually away. But it was relatively quiet, only some light purring sounds were heard, and the lanes were favourable again. After recruiting some of Amsterdam's awesome resistance agents, the ops was a go.

As it turned out, ENL had plans of their own (boo!) and made links between islands like they do some times. Luckily Zorglubxx took a boat trip to take down the Vinkeveen island links and all was well. But then ENL made those links AGAIN. Sigh. Don't they ever learn. So guess what? Zorglubxx took a boat trip AGAIN to take down those links. Like a trooper. Luckily for us the weather sort of sucked the following days and ENL didn't put the links back up.

In preparation agents from different areas took down some blockers during the day. On the evening itself 9 agents were on the ground to clear and field. Clearing went well and no activity from the green ones interrupted our party (the cat was really away). The row of portals in Kamerik is still very long, and 13 of the total of 16 layers made CP.

Thanks agents: AcRaPoLis, DoctorFoxy, Elektrichian, ElAwrence, End3rw, Fortifer, Knurpus, MMezereum, Pendecker, RealRouge, Se4horse, SmurfLin74, Thundarion, 88ccff, Zorglubxx

ops centuple

We made a fishbone field with 100 layers between Nijnsel, Deurne (Buntven) and Handel. Total 1246069 MU Average layer 12460 MU (3315 - 22247...