Linking through and around Amsterdam is always fun. Why not link through the south area which has some nice green corridors that can be cleared without viruses? This was the premise for the BuMuBo operation (Bulderbaan - Muiden - Bodegraven).
The field was planned for only 4 layers and within two weeks. A short time considering many of the areas we would link through were unknown territory for us.
After quick liaisons with the local agents and farming/distributing keys to the fielders we were ready to go. The operation was swiftly executed and the fields created exactly on the planned schedule.
20:49linked Leaves to Vliegende Zwaanen
20:49created a Control Field @Leaves+207891 MUs
20:49created a Control Field @Leaves+209583 MUs
20:49linked Leaves to Weijpoortse Molen
20:50created a Control Field @Spottersplaats 18R - 36L, Polderbaan +210805 MUs
20:50linked Spottersplaats 18R - 36L, Polderbaan to Weijpoortse Molen
20:50linked Fietsroute Netwerk Gooi En Vechtstreek Nr. 18 to Weijpoortse Molen
20:50created a Control Field @Fietsroute Netwerk Gooi En Vechtstreek Nr. 18 +222136 MUs
Total MU: 850415
Freubel earned his golden Illuminator badge.
The field was taken down within 30 minutes by ThePrutser. Luckily we still have some screenshots.
BuMuBo was made possible by the following agents: Abap, AntRoe, BlueMerle, BoyAFCA, Broodjebabba, diMarcoz, DiMTRX, ElAwrence, End3rw, Eveline, Fortifer, FREEM4N, Freubel, Hellraiser007, Madgick, Shinetsu, TheBoldHacker

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