Sitrep by @Fortifer
On Saturday August 15th 2015 a group of around 30 resistance agents created a 16 layer onion field between Mijdrecht, Heiloo and Dronten. The layers were around 600.000 MU each, for a total of 9.5 million Mind Units, covering all of Amsterdam and many surrounding towns in a thick, cozy, blue blanket. This is the Sitrep.
The operation started in June as 'Mukum' (Note: Mokum is another name for Amsterdam used by the inhabitants), then became 'Groot Mukum' and finally evolved into 'Groter Mukum': A nearly 10 million MU onion with 6 portals per corner, could we do it?
The fielding team in Heiloo consisted of SAHillie/bigpauli who first cleared Westpoort and Zaandam and BlueMerle/TheBoldHacker who cleared Alkmaar and Heiloo before moving to the corner portals.
Agents in Zaandam and Assendelft had prepared anti-blocking links and were continuously in touch during the operation. All clearing in this area went very smoothly, but for a blue blocking link which was apparently created by the son of one of the clearing agents (resisting authority - who can blame him?).
The Almere clearing team focused on the A6 highway along which the southeast links would run. In the days before the event several anti-blocking fields were created and potential blocking target portals neutralized. The local RES agents were briefed not to create any new links, thanks guys! Despite poor Internet with 20 seconds per XMP and frantic ENL recharging the last blocking green fields were successfully removed. At 22:00h the Almere agents were in position to flip the last blue portals on the signal from our operator. When several new blocking links were reported they managed to clear these in no time. Almere clear!
Hamunatra was in Lelystad to clear a single long blocking link. Suddenly ENL Urk linked to Pampus, blocking the Heiloo-Dronten link. The fielders in Dronten had to drive up to Urk to clear this. With instructions from the local agents they took the shortest route to the two portals that had to be cleared. Hamunatra went to Swifterbant in order to shoot anti-blockers to Den Oever right after the blockers from URK were cleared. This worked, but ENL soon came to Swifterbant and removed one of the anti-blockers. Hamunatra snuck past ENL to bring the anti-blocker back up. By this time the first field link from Heiloo to Dronten was created and ENL departed from Swifterbant to destroy it.
After creating the first link from Heiloo to Dronten, SAHillie could not link to anything anymore! After many minutes of panic and confusion it turned out SAHillies scanner was malfunctioning and had to be force synced before being able to create the next links.
In Mijdrecht, Fortifer, End3rw and SirMicrochip had gathered at the grey inner portal, ready to deploy and link. Then suddenly four new blue blockers went up in Amstelveen. After some communication it became apparent we had to resolve this ourselves. SirMicrochip jumped in his car and raced over to remove the links. Within 45 minutes he was back, the path now free for links between Mijdrecht and Heiloo.
Meanwhile back in Dronten, our fielding agents Smokey91 and MunchnetNL had returned from Urk and were ready to continue laying the field. When ENL arrived to destroy the first link they made the smart decision to hide in the bushes and wait it out. After half an hour of tension and whispered Zello messages ENL agents left and we were ready to build the field. Or were we?
At 00:08 the first layer went up, one hour later than planned. However still not all links from Heiloo to Dronten could be made! What was wrong!? A blue blocking link of 49 metres to the north of Lelystad had been missed by everybody. Luckily Hamunatra was quick to drive over and flip it.
Finally at 00:46 the last of the 6 layers from Heiloo were created. Then the other 10 layers from Dronten and Mijdrecht went up fast, completing the onion at 00:51, just before the next checkpoint! Everybody congratulated on a job very well done, with or without glitches.
At 01:14 the inner and outer portals of Heiloo were destroyed by an ENL agent who drove up from Haarlem. This reduced the layer count from 16 to 4. She left the other portals standing until around 3:20, when the field was finally destroyed.
Thanks to all agents who actively participated: Adjudant63, Angara, Ano Niemp, bigpauli, BlueMerle, End3rw, Fortifer, FREEM4N, freubel, Hamunatra, homekruger, Iffel Giffel, Kwinkeleer, liop145, Lordpalf, measy, MunchnetNL, n0m3n, Noppie, oilpink, SAHillie, ScarePT, shinsetsu, SirMicrochip, Smokey91, theBoldHacker, vangekkem, Veritas1970 and all the others who helped as well.
#ingress #resistance #smurf #ResWUEisAwesome
+Niantic Project +NIA Ops +Susanna Moyer +Joe Philley +Anne Beuttenmüller

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