Working in a new area opens up new fielding opportunities. After farming keys since October and getting in touch with the local agents this field operation was finally planned in the weekend of the first Obsidian Anomaly event. There were some worries about ENL presence in Broek op Langendijk but during the operation it was completely quiet there. There was some ENL activity in Medemblik and Anna Paulowna but this did not seem directed at us. After swift clearing and setting up block links, fielding started at 23:47. We planned to make 241 fields, but with some extra farmed keys and keys that fell of flipped links we managed to make 28 extra fields. At 2:07 fielding was complete, except for some bonus fields created around/on top of the final onion. Thanks to all involved, and to ENL for not interfering. Special thanks to our excellent operators MrNivor and TheGrimSqueaker. Thanks to Schoentoon for making a time lapse.
Portals: 27
Keys: 436
Control fields: 269 in 140 minutes
Average field MU: 25404
Captured MU: 6.8M
Final MU: 556K (1 checkpoint)
Jarvis: 28
ULA: 24
Illuminator badges: 3xSilver, 4xGold, 3xPlatinum
Asaatrix, BlueMerle, Byt3Bra1n, D0ublek1ll, Fortifer, Gukumatz, MrNivor, Schoentoon, Teemo, TheBoldHacker, TheGrimSqueaker, Xaser83
#Ingress #Resistance #ResWUEIsAwesome
+NIA Ops +Julia Vivienne Loverdose +Anne Beuttenmüller +Matilde Tusberti

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