Monday, January 31, 2022

OPS heaven

End of January I felt it was time to make some fields again. After fielding Amsterdam many a time, now it was time to try fielding Eindhoven. The plan was very ad-hoc and I didn't really manage to recruit any agents, so it was to be a solo field. My goal was to get to know the area around Eindhoven better and see how easy it would be to pull of a field like this. Actually there was no ENL interception whatsoever, although I suspect that ENL agent Epi65 might have been so nice to wait with his takedown until I was done.

The linkplan was an onion, but I didn't really think about how that works when you do it alone. So I completely messed up the fields and made only 4 instead of the planned 10 layers. Will need to work that out before trying a solo like this again.

  • Clearing time: 6 hours (21:00 - 03:00)
  • Mind units: 4 layers of around 80k, 320756 total
  • CP was at 04:00 AM but fields take down right after completion, so didn't make CP.
Thanks to RES agents bierland74 and meliodas34 for their help.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Field Art For Flint

We made a field art to commemorate Flint and show our support. This was done by Amsterdam RES and ENL together on December 22nd 2021, many agents throughout The Netherlands placed beacons as well.


Please consider donating below:


ENL Agent0493
ENL thomhf
ENL DhrMekmek
RES RoqueMonck
ENL chebba3
ENL Erwin1975
ENL roarex
RES AgentVrolijk
RES agentmoppie
RES Fortifer
ENL GroeneSteen
RES Knurpus
ENL CidKramer
RES MisterHarding
ENL Profound76
ENL LoneGreenWolf
ENL Dragonflice
RES Wezeltje
RES toscane
ENL MadVinnie
ENL nieuwendam
RES lekkerkippetje
RES Dieks77
ENL SnakePlissken85
ENL MySnowDreamer
RES W2k8
ENL Annet66
ENL blackbullmouse
RES AsmodeusNL
RES meliodas34
RES Zilverdauw
ENL Katsky
RES dvdfryk
RES Sorbo1991
RES semafoor89
ENL DeVakman
ENL VerlichteNicht
ENL Disturbinator
ENL voltammeter
RES Zorglubxx
ENL DrFinlay
RES Teckanie
ENL PolderPiraat
RES guitjes
ENL ioHpeiH
ENL TheySeeMeRolenn
RES Katth
ENL toikin1977
RES Athena2021
RES Kijores57
ENL oppad
RES Ezziesbeauty
RES KevinWhzkd
ENL tisane
RES DeSchoolmeester

ops centuple

We made a fishbone field with 100 layers between Nijnsel, Deurne (Buntven) and Handel. Total 1246069 MU Average layer 12460 MU (3315 - 22247...