Monday, January 31, 2022

OPS heaven

End of January I felt it was time to make some fields again. After fielding Amsterdam many a time, now it was time to try fielding Eindhoven. The plan was very ad-hoc and I didn't really manage to recruit any agents, so it was to be a solo field. My goal was to get to know the area around Eindhoven better and see how easy it would be to pull of a field like this. Actually there was no ENL interception whatsoever, although I suspect that ENL agent Epi65 might have been so nice to wait with his takedown until I was done.

The linkplan was an onion, but I didn't really think about how that works when you do it alone. So I completely messed up the fields and made only 4 instead of the planned 10 layers. Will need to work that out before trying a solo like this again.

  • Clearing time: 6 hours (21:00 - 03:00)
  • Mind units: 4 layers of around 80k, 320756 total
  • CP was at 04:00 AM but fields take down right after completion, so didn't make CP.
Thanks to RES agents bierland74 and meliodas34 for their help.

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ops centuple

We made a fishbone field with 100 layers between Nijnsel, Deurne (Buntven) and Handel. Total 1246069 MU Average layer 12460 MU (3315 - 22247...