When Fortifer's near, fields appear.
Monday, September 12, 2022
ops centuple
Monday, January 31, 2022
OPS heaven
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Field Art For Flint
- Villa Vrolijk - NL 30 KNAB 0255 3865 91
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Fielding Amsterdam
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
OPS RabbitFire
Fielding Amersfoort March 23 2021 20h CP
1.6M MU on CP
19 agents - 20 minutes
3 million MU total
and lots of fun!
Thanks agents: Appir, bijtje, Buizerd, Clara82, Contaminator, da6t33x, Darkgohan2, dreef, EdgeAgain, EtRaket, ExiaDouble00, Fortifer, Hessley, joepvgd, M44yke, Madgick, McSmth, Mistaravim, mjvt, PieterBass, soldiercorne, W2K8,
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
OPS Sunday Funday
Zet je geluid aan en geniet van misschien wel het leukste filmpje van een Resistance ops ooit: Sunday Funday.
On a dark Sunday morning, cold wind in the air
Warm smell of my coffee, drifting up through the air
Looking down at my ResWUE, I see alerts on my name
My foot was heavy on the gas pedal, I had to make it in time
There I was on the shoreline, started inflating my boat
Only 20 minutes left to go, quickly start the outboard
But when I tugged on the pull cord, the darn thing wouldn’t start
There were voices on the Zello group, I could hear them say
Welcome to the crazy-ass Resistance
Such a lovely team (Such a lovely team)
Such a lovely team
Plenty of room in the crazy-ass Resistance
Any time of year (Any time of year)
You can find us here
All these ops are so twisted, but a means to an end
We have to stop those petty frogs, they are not our friends
How they cry on the comms, how they cry on appeals
But they’ll take back our portals, as soon as we lift our heels
So then ops called me: ‘Captain, please take down Archipel’
We need a link to the UK at nineteen minutes past nine
I heard his voice calling from far away
So I took my boat out to the Grevelingen, just to hear him say
Welcome to the crazy-ass Resistance
Such a lovely team (Such a lovely team)
Such a lovely team
Plenty of room in the crazy-ass Resistance
Any time of year (Any time of year)
You can find us here
Fingers have no feeling, toes just feel like ice
And ops says: “Please stand by just a little longer, til the time is right”
In our ops headquarters, they are laughing and drinking tea
I’ll be getting hypothermia here, before they think about me
Last thing I remember I was drifting away from the shore
I was trying to make my way back to where I left my car before
‘Just relax’ they then told me, ‘We called the rescue brigade’
Just sit in your boat until they come, they will help you leave!
Welcome to the crazy-ass Resistance
Such a lovely team (Such a lovely team)
Such a lovely team
Plenty of room in the crazy-ass Resistance
Any time of year (Any time of year)
You can find us here
(originele post van NIRN:
Sunday, February 21, 2021
OPS Megasus
Sunday February 21st 2021 was a beautiful day in The Netherlands.
A group of 109 Resistance agents worked together to field Alkmaar, Purmerend, Zaanstad, Amsterdam, Almere, Hilversum, Utrecht and Amersfoort. The 15 layers totalled over 23 Million Mind Units. Total Mind Units captured 61.349.809. Two black illuminator badges obtained.
Ops Megasus was made possible by the Resistance agents: 1en1e, 88CCFF, ABunchOfSmurfs, Agent327love010, AngelEyes003, Atje076, Badschuim, Balkanbabe, Bapsie, Bavke, BeeShocK, bierland74, Biezt, Bijtje, Bluewindmill, bokje1989, Borrelstein, bowlingbob, Buizerd, CDUCALIMERO, Chiisaikuma, ChromeCowboy, Clara82, Contaminator, crusher73, da6t33x, Dieks77, Disconnected404, Doobie4life, Echood, EdgeAgain, End3rw, Erik050572, ExiaDouble00, Fortifer, GCFalcon, Gerardv, Hailst0rm, HavokT, Hessley, HighlanderNL, iffel, itsmeeetallyb, joepvgd, justmeister, KanchiNagao, Kapi31415926, Kirillian, kluizenaar, KnownDnS, knurpus, Koppiekrauw1974, KyRoGd, LegendX, librarian007, LiefBeertje, MaarschalkGeo, Madgick, mamsmelk, Meliodas34, MerraMenjala, MHopper, MissAgent013, Mistaravim, MOHdennisNL, MrsMysteryX, Muus, NCC74656VOY, Niwi80, NL1PHL, oilpink, ParaNoiMia, Pendecker, PennyWise144, PieterBass, pluisje076, poshjosje, PurDee, Qalypso, RealRouge, ResBzrkr, Revvvs, RvH1976, SAHillie, saMaggie, Samanthatimmer, seippa, Shockwave0072, Sonbie, SorayaNL1, Str1jder, svandewouw, taikwondosmurf, Telemarker, Terror3003, TheButterZapper, Thundarion, TriquetraX, ukhty, Unkn0wnDnS, Viooltje, W2K8, WKCKEVIN, Wezeltje, WKCJAY, Xtremeroach, YeIIowFirestar, Zilverdauw, Zorglubxx
Sunday, January 3, 2021
OPS Uramaki
Sitrep Ops Uramaki
- Sunday January 3rd 2021, Afternoon
- Inverse onion with 121 fields
- Portals used: 63
- Time taken: 90 minutes
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
OPS Bingo
Sitrep Ops Bingo
- Wednesday December 30th
- 42 fields (a record for me!) on 22h CP between 90882 and 103429 MU, totalling 4052841 MU
- 10 fields after CP totalling 1013753 MU
- 1 black illuminator badge for ukhty
Friday, December 18, 2020
OPS Termites
Sitrep Ops Termites
ops centuple
We made a fishbone field with 100 layers between Nijnsel, Deurne (Buntven) and Handel. Total 1246069 MU Average layer 12460 MU (3315 - 22247...

"...the beginning and the end of time. These are the same thing, as everybody knows who came into this universe via a wormhole." ...
Sunday May 22nd 2016 TL;DR : 497 fields over the Veluwe totalling 85 million MU, yielding 11 black illuminator badges Timelapse Ingress...
Thursday January 14th 2016 Summary Keys travel and travel and travel and in the end land somewhere. In this case they landed in Fortifer...