369 fields over Amsterdam totaling 16M MU
"Ik eindig toch wel in de goot" - C. de Rat
Fielding Amsterdam, again and again and again. It never tires. Well it does, sort of. But even at 5am the exhausted agents were still in good spirits happily creating a nice blue stroboscope effect over our beloved city. Everybody joined in the fun, shared booze, MU and tall stories. ENL interfered a couple of times. Panjim visited Durgerdam but took off after hitting our hardened defenses there. Strombolie took out our undefended anchor in Amsterdamse Bos whilst at the same time Bitbite started shooting blocklinks along the west corridor. We managed to regain control and continued fielding until all keys were used up. As ops go the weather was not too bad; only 1 hour of mild rain and the usual sub-zero wind chill. We are used to worse thank you very much. Thanks to all agents for yet another exiting and fun operation.
Portals: 15
Keys: 430
Jarvises: 159
Fields: 369 in 273 minutes
Total MU: 16.185.672
Final MU: 688K
Illuminator badges: 3xPlatinum, 4xBlack
88CCFF, Amis, BlueFluas, BoyAFCA, Dr0ct8gon, ElAwrence, End3rw, Fortifer, KiraKage, Madgick, SAHillie, Se4horse, Shad0wDancer, Tmaar, webskip, wruh, Zorglubxx
#Ingress #Resistance #ResWUEIsAwesome
+NIA Ops +Julia Vivienne Loverdose +Anne Beuttenmüller +Matilde Tusberti

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