12 fields over Amsterdam totaling 3.9M MU
"There's nothing scarier than a clown after midnight" - Alfred J. Hitchcock
This operation was conceived long ago, in an innocent time. In a time before finding out that using unreachable portals for fielding is not necessarily a good idea. In a time when ENL would not rush out of their homes and into their cars as soon as clearing began. Alas, this time has passed and the world has become a desolate and harsh place... (a tumble weed rolls by in the background)
The Field
Using the portals of Oud Valkeveen we found a nice corridor into Amsterdam over the 'IJ'. The southern anchor along the A4 seemed relatively secure and completed the field with easy corriders along Schiphol and under Amstelveen. There were no big rows of portals to use on any of the anchors so the idea was to settle for 49 intermediate and 7 final layers. With an estimated 300k per layer that would mean about 15M MU to be captured. Yummy!
The stage was set for a relatively simple fielding operation over....Amsterdam? Again?! Yes! Again!!
After the usual preparations D-Day came and agents were anxiously anticipating the starting time when suddenly we noticed our Oud Valkeveen portals were no longer the correct (blue) colour. ENL @SirHomie was apparently enjoying a nice day at the theme park and capping our anchors. Stress! Oud Valkeveen closes at 17h. Luckily for us RES @Jingim was also enjoying a nice day at the theme park and after talking to us, decided to enjoy it right up to closing time, capping back our anchors and saving the day. Thanks man!
Clowns in the woods
To reach some of the portals in Oud Valkeveen RES agents @Buizerd and @Galanas had to work their way through the woods around the back of the park. To ward of ticks the agents applied some Advantix droplets in their neck areas. Better safe than sorry guys. The 'Bon Bear' portal could be seen through the gate in all its creepyness. Probably clowns too (did I tell you my clown joke yet?).
Holding pattern
Clearing commenced and things started to get hairy. What should have been 45 minutes of clearing stretched on to 60 then 90 then 120 minutes as more and more ENL agents started shooting dedicated block links. Honorable mention must go to ENL @Barreman who kept driving around in a circular holding pattern shooting block links to the island of Pampus whilst RES @Christarius was in hot pursuit cleaning them up. The ENL agents we noticed blocking us were: Barreman, Bowlingbal, Dikkedeur, Fur, Papasam, PersVC, Siemp, SirHomie, Socrates, Synerg1sm, Tjaap, Nibbix, Zaansgroen. Good job guys.
So in the face of all this opposition we decided to abandon our field for the night, but not before agreeing to set our alarm clocks early the next morning and finish what we'd started. Most agents were up and about by 7:45 AM to clear the remaining blockers of last night's armageddon. Again some ENL activity started stirring but too late this time, at 9:27 we managed to make our first field and we commenced with our link plan.
Rise and shine
However on the northern anchor ENL @Siemp had also gotten out of bed and joined our agents on the anchors. Our trusted chillipepper RES @Euxi attempted to divert him with a mexican head lock but to no avail. The anchor went down and ENL @Barreman who apparently also has the nasty habit of getting out of bed early shot a new block link to Pampus (damn you, Pampus!).
Lies, damn lies and...
We managed to make 12 fields with a total of 3908919 MU captured, one black illuminator badge and one gold liberator badge.
Thanks to the following agents for making this daunting but rewarding field: 88CCFF, BlueFluas, BoyAFCA, Buizerd, Cristarius, DaiyaDawn, Damoni, DoctorFoxy, ElAwrence, Euxi, Fortifer, Galanas, Iffel, Jingim, Oilpink, SAHillie, Shad0wdancer, Shinsetsu, Zorglubxx.
#Ingress #Resistance #ResWUEIsAwesome
+NIA Ops +Julia Vivienne Loverdose +Anne Beuttenmüller +Matilde Tusberti +Ingress Resistance Netherlands

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